


Lessons start in the week of September 30, 2024

We prioritize the enrollment of children who will later attend nurseries. Any remaining available spots will be offered to other apllicants.



BRNO - AVAILABLE SPOTS-this group is solely an ADAPTATION group for children attending our nurseries afterwards



Valtice + Svinošice FRIDAY 9:15-10:45 AM

Náměšť FRIDAY 9-11 AM

Brno, adaptation group: Thursday 8:30-10:00 am

MONTESSORI CLUB is intended for children aged 1 to 3 years and their parents. It provides a prepared environment that supports sensory, emotional, and physical development of children and is based on mutual respect. The club's essence is best captured by "We play consciously or The first steps towards Montessori education, so the child can DO EVERYTHING ON ITS OWN."

Help me to do it myself!"

 Maria Montessori

Montessori Club offers activities for children, developing sensory education, practical life skills, mathematical and language abilities, and more. Tools in the club are divided into sections based on the area they aim to develop. Each tool offers multiple ways to work with it - suitable for both 1-year-olds and more complex for 3-year-olds. There is always one guide present during the program, who can demonstrate to parents or children how to use the tools or suggest different activities with it. The program accommodates a maximum of 8-10 parents with children simultaneously, ensuring individual guidance.

Since 2017, Montessori Club has welcomed over 130 children. Some of them continue in our nurseries and the pre-school children's group Louskáček (Nutcracker).

Parents act as active observers and, if necessary, guide children on how to use the activity, then let the child try it on their own. Children need more time to complete activities than adults. Let's give them the time, our patience, and a helping hand if requested, allowing them to create and find solutions ON THEIR OWN. Children will find great joy in completing an activity ON THEIR OWN and will want to return to it. If we push or disturb a child too much in their activities, they lose interest and may not want to work with us.

Let's provide children with the opportunity to experience everyday activities that parents do, unknowingly educating them through practical activities, and show them our world that they can literally grasp!

Key ideas

  • Montessori pedagogy sees the child as a fully-fledged individual who needs to be accompanied on the path to independence, respecting their desire to learn and "do it on their own".
  • We help the child with self-care and care for their surroundings.

  • We provide the child with opportunities to concentrate in a prepared environment and work with their hands.

  • We prepare tools and the environment according to the child's needs.